Movies and Podcasts
Game Changers (athletes)
Forks Over Knives (health- has changed so many people's lives)
Cowspiracy (environment/climate)
Earthlings (animals- this is a very sad film)
Seaspiracy (seafood industry)
Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones (health and longevity)
Rich Roll Podcast: Ultraman Rich Roll, master interviewer with awe-inspiring guests.
Exam Room: Chuck Carroll host vegan podcast from the Physicians Committee (PCRM)
The Proof: Simon Hill, science-based, evidence-based.
Corporate Wellness
Bring the fastest growing food movement to your employees to benefit health and increase environmental impact. Health and social responsibility for the win!
Talks + Education
Health is wealth. Human health ultimately depends on planetary health. Learn how plant-based diets check all the boxes, common myths and misconceptions and how to get started. Prepare to be inspired.